The Viber chat app, owned by Japanese e-commerce company Rakuten, is gaining new features. Starting with group chat, secret chats, plenty of emojis and gifs over security in encrypted messages. Rakuten's Viber chat app is adding business-oriented features. Of course, the advantage of using it is that Viber tends to be the first in everything. For 5 a Serving, I Assumed EveryPlate Meal Kits Would Suck. 4-Custom your messages view.5-And Much More ) Have a unlimited experience with this App. From the distinctive bell to the famous purple design, this software dominates the market today. iOS 17 Review: StandBy Mode Changed My Relationship With My iPhone.
6-Import your history with only one step.7-learn you how to hide your apps like never with special feature & tricks.Get it before price grown up with the new feature in the next release:- "Exclusive feature for Password for viber (hide your viber app and Secure it)"This feature will be available with the new price and after release of "Protect Apps" App 1-unique Search Method. The new Android version, released Tuesday, includes 'enhancements to the way Viber handles photo, video and location messages,' according to the Viber page on the Google Play app store. 5-IOS6 users will Have same IOS7 Design every things is designed in the App ). 3-Endless Scrolling.4-This App is not only Secure your Data with Passcode it's Also protect U if someone try to insert Passcode for 3 times the app will start the alarming system that will not stoppedtill you insert the right Passcode. Yes you can append message in this App so if you have a private message stored in this app and you need to append anything to it all you have to do is to insert the backup file and the App will handle it even if there's old conversation in the file was imported before the app will append only the new message. Download Viber for Windows 10 for Windows to viber is a messenger that is as fast & easy as texting - only for FREE.
The app uses your regular phone number, and you call anyone around the globe for free provided they also have the app. It's a first app in the Appstore that can protect your Viber App and backup Viber Messages.Features:- 1-Exclusive feature that you will never find it before.Now with this App you can hide your viber and secure it with the same icon into your home screen so every time you will trying to open your viber it will ask you for a password.2-You Can save all your history in this app,search,delete and Append. What sets Viber apart from most third party messaging apps is the ability to make both audio and video calls and you can do it on a 3G connection or better. *********50% Off for 24 Hours only********* Everyone have a private messages on Viber and need to keep it safe, so this app is your solution.